Categories: World

Watch: Man sets his 171st world record using shaving cream and table tennis balls

Serial Guinness World Record-breaker David Rush achieved his 171st concurrently held title by covering his head in shaving cream and bouncing table tennis balls. Rush had previously broken records for bouncing and catching table tennis balls in shaving foam on his head, and this time he took on the individual version of the same record. According to Guinness World Records rules, he had to bounce the balls off a wall and catch them in the shaving cream on his head.

During the attempt, Rush managed to catch 14 of the table tennis balls, tying the record set by Ronald Sarchian in May 2023. As a result, both Rush and Sarchian now hold the record together. This achievement brought Rush one step closer to his goal of holding 181 Guinness World Records titles, which would make him the top record-breaker in the world.

Rush’s dedication to breaking records is evident in his continuous pursuit of new challenges. With each achievement, he cements his place in history as one of the greatest record-breakers of all time. His ability to combine skill and creativity in his record attempts has gained him worldwide recognition and admiration. Rush’s determination and passion for breaking records inspire others to push their own limits and strive for greatness in their own pursuits.

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