• Tue. Jun 25th, 2024

We will not be able to prevent a full-scale war, the Biden administration warns Hezbollah


Jun 25, 2024

Today, the American newspaper Politico reported that the Biden administration is concerned about the escalating threats and attacks between Israel and Hezbollah, fearing that they may lead to a full-scale war. Amos Hochstein, President Biden’s emissary, recently visited Beirut and conveyed a message to Lebanese officials that the United States will not be able to stop Israel from launching a ground operation in southern Lebanon if the situation escalates further.

During his visit, Hochstein met with key Lebanese officials, including the Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament, the acting prime minister, and the commander of the Lebanese army, to discuss the escalating tensions in the region. He emphasized the seriousness of the situation and stressed the need for all parties to work towards a diplomatic solution to prevent further escalation into a larger conflict.

Following Hochstein’s visit, Hezbollah reportedly sent messages through third parties indicating that while they do not want war, they are confident in their ability to harm Israel if provoked. Israeli officials also expressed their preference for a diplomatic solution over military actions, highlighting the need for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

As efforts to de-escalate tensions continue, both Israel and the United States are working to find a way to prevent a full-scale war on the northern border. One possible approach is to use the end of the Israeli military operation in Gaza as a point for calming the situation on the northern border. This strategic move would allow for a shift of forces to the northern border if needed, in case diplomatic efforts fail to resolve the conflict.

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