• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

What would be the current value of Apple’s first Mac, released 40 years ago?


Jul 4, 2024

The first Macintosh was launched on January 24, 1984, and is now celebrating its 40th anniversary. This technological antiquity by Apple was ahead of its time and paved the way for modern computers. The compact design of the Macintosh, complete with a screen and floppy disk drive, democratized the use of computers with its user-friendly interface that allowed for simple clicking on icons using a mouse.

Before the Macintosh, access to computers was limited to experts who had to navigate complicated command lines. The launch of the first Macintosh was highly anticipated, and Apple made a grand appearance at the Super Bowl, reaching millions of viewers with its iconic “1984” advertisement directed by Ridley Scott. The Macintosh was initially priced at $2,495 in 1984 but quickly dropped to $2,195, making it more affordable compared to its competitors.

Apple’s expectations to sell 250,000 Macintoshes in 1984 were exceeded, with the brand reportedly selling 372,000 units in the first year. Today, original Mac computers are considered collectibles and can fetch high prices at auctions. Despite its smaller screen and less powerful specifications compared to modern computers, the first Macintosh revolutionized the computer industry and set the stage for Apple’s future success in the market.


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