• Wed. Jun 5th, 2024

Winners of the Caption Contest: Dallas Sports


Jun 5, 2024

Readers’ choice for the caption contest was, “Remember when we could afford to go to the games!” according to Ted Gold from Plano. Meanwhile, the editors’ choice was, “Last time the Cowboys played for a championship, we had hair,” as chosen by Scott Franklin from Tyler.

We want to express our gratitude to all who participated in the contest and congratulate our other three finalists: Jeff Oldham of Lexington, Ken.; Dale Long of Garland; and Alan Rubin of Dallas. Be on the lookout for our next caption contest in the Opinion section later this month!

We value your opinions and invite you to share them in a letter to the editor. For guidelines on how to submit your letter, please visit our website. If you encounter any issues with the submission form, you can also email your letter directly to letters@dallasnews.com.


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