• Fri. Jun 7th, 2024

Witness the world’s fastest wheelbarrow reaching incredible speeds of over 52 mph


Jun 7, 2024

A British mechanic recently set a new Guinness World Record by reaching a speed of 52.58 mph with his motorized wheelbarrow. Dylan Phillips built the fast garden tool for fun and was surprised to learn that there was a world record category for wheelbarrow speed. He shared with Guinness World Records and the BBC that the idea to pursue the record came to him after reaching 37 mph during a practice run.

During Straightliners Speed Week 2024 at Elvington Airfield in Yorkshire, Phillips successfully broke the record with his speedy wheelbarrow. He described the experience of reaching such high speeds as both uncomfortable and terrifying. Phillips mentioned that slowing down can be challenging due to the wheelbarrow only having brakes at the front.

Despite the discomfort, he expressed that he has not experienced any accidents or mishaps with the wheelbarrow. Phillips acknowledged that the lack of suspension in the vehicle can leave him feeling sore after multiple runs. He found joy and excitement in achieving the record, even though he admitted that the entire endeavor was quite nonsensical but ultimately fulfilling.


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