• Tue. Jun 25th, 2024

Women’s Track and Field Day at Brighton Center Recovery


Jun 16, 2024

The Brighton Recovery Center for Women in Florence, Kentucky recently organized a track and field day for program participants and their families. The event aimed to bring the community together and provide a day of fun and education. Participants enjoyed games, food, and camaraderie throughout the day.

One of the highlights of the event was the presence of the Northern Kentucky Health Department, offering naloxone training to attendees. This training is crucial in preventing opioid overdoses and saving lives. Additionally, UK Health participated by administering free STD testing, emphasizing the importance of knowing one’s sexual health status.

Emily Sanker, a program participant at Brighton Recovery Center, expressed the importance of the community aspect of the event. She highlighted the sisterhood that exists among the participants and the supportive environment provided by the center. The day was not only about fun and games but also about offering essential services to the attendees.

Gabi Deaton, a harm reduction health educator with the Northern Kentucky Health Department, shared her personal connection to the event. Having gone through the Brighton program herself 13 years ago after surviving heroin overdoses, she emphasized the impact of programs like this in transforming lives. The event served as a reminder of the possibilities that exist for those seeking help.

The track and field day provided families with a chance to bond and create lasting memories. As participants left the event, they carried not only memories of a fun day but also valuable knowledge that could potentially save lives in emergencies. The event showcased the supportive community at Brighton Recovery Center and highlighted the importance of coming together for a common cause.


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