• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

WWII Soldier Passes Away While Traveling to D-Day Memorial Ceremony


Jun 6, 2024

Robert “Al” Persichitti, a World War II Navy veteran, passed away while traveling to France to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day. He had eagerly anticipated this trip, having participated in various World War II remembrances in the past. Persichitti, who was 102 years old, fell ill in Germany and unfortunately did not make it to France. His longtime friend and priest, Rev. William Leone, shared that Persichitti had a strong desire to attend the D-Day ceremony but was called to rest in Germany before reaching his destination.

A friend who was traveling with Persichitti recounted that a doctor was present with him at the time of his passing. As Persichitti was leaving this world, his favorite singer, Frank Sinatra, was playing in the background, creating a peaceful farewell for the veteran. The National WWII Museum hailed Persichitti as a dear friend and honored his service in the U.S. Navy, where he served as a radioman aboard the USS Eldorado during critical moments in the Pacific, such as the invasions of Iwo Jima and Okinawa.

Persichitti was present in Iwo Jima when the U.S. flag was raised atop Mount Suribachi, a significant moment of triumph during the war. Despite his advanced age, he remained active in sharing his wartime experiences with younger generations through speaking engagements and a written autobiography for his family in 2015. Even in his final days, Persichitti continued to honor the sacrifices made by veterans by leading the Pledge of Allegiance at Memorial Day events.

His dedication to preserving the memory of wartime sacrifices serves as a lasting legacy that will continue to inspire and educate others about the valiant efforts made by individuals like Persichitti during World War II.


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