• Fri. Jun 7th, 2024

Xavien Howard, Former Dolphins cornerback, facing lawsuit for sharing revenge porn


Jun 7, 2024

Free agent cornerback Xavien Howard is facing legal troubles as he has been sued by two different individuals for sharing revenge porn. According to court documents cited by CBS Miami, the first ex-girlfriend, referred to as Jane Doe, accuses Howard of circulating sexually explicit videos of her. She expressed feeling debased and utterly humiliated by his actions. Howard, who was released by the Dolphins early in the offseason, has not yet responded to these allegations.

On the other hand, the son of another ex-girlfriend, known as John Doe, has also filed a lawsuit against Howard. John Doe claims that Howard impregnated his mother and then pressured her to have an abortion. When she refused, Howard allegedly sent sexually explicit messages and material to John Doe, who was a minor at the time. This disturbing behavior has led to legal action being taken against Howard.

Despite the serious accusations and lawsuits, Howard has not issued a statement or responded to requests for comment from CBS Miami. The legal proceedings surrounding these allegations will likely continue as the victims seek justice for the harm caused by Howard’s actions.


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