• Tue. May 21st, 2024

Axe throwers aiming for bullseyes at the World Championships


Apr 17, 2024

Houston’s Michael Barton first tried Axe throwing five years ago and readily admits that he was terrible at it initially. However, after five years of practice, Barton is now heading back to the World Axe Throwing Championships with his practice partners from Hurling Hatchets. Alongside his doubles partner Jorge Sanchez and Chris Kendig, Barton has improved significantly and believes in their chances at the upcoming World Championships in Tulsa.

Barton, Sanchez, and Kendig have all worked their way up the ranks in Axe throwing and are looking forward to the competition. Barton will be competing in both the Hatchets and Knives categories, and he is determined to give it his all with the goal of winning. Kendig, one of Barton’s practice partners, attributes their success to hard work, practice, and mastering the right techniques.

According to Barton, being a successful Axe thrower is more about the mental game than the physical aspect. He believes that the secret to accuracy lies in staying calm and focused while throwing. As they prepare for the World Championships, Barton and his team are confident in their abilities and are excited to showcase their skills on the global stage.


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