• Mon. May 20th, 2024

Creating an Unbreakable Password: Top Tips for Cybersecurity and Personal Data Protection Online


May 9, 2024

In Peru, there will be 5 billion attempted cyber attacks reported in 2023, according to Fortinet, a cybersecurity company. Cybercriminals utilize various techniques to compromise user credentials, including phishing, brute force attacks, and keyloggers, as reported by Check Point. Password weakness is a significant challenge to online security, with a study revealing that 23.2 million users worldwide use the easily decipherable password “123456,” posing a considerable risk to security.

Given this reality, it is essential to understand how to secure online accounts and data, as security breaches are often linked to weak passwords. Arturo Torres, a cybersecurity expert at Fortinet, shares four tips for keeping accounts and digital assets safe. Implementing security measures such as two-step verification can help prevent unauthorized access to accounts, even if passwords are compromised.

The use of passwords dates back to ancient Greece, where Roman soldiers used “slogans” as passwords written on tablets to identify allies and enemies during battles. In more recent history, during World War II, soldiers used special passwords to recognize each other. With the advent of computers in the 1960s, passwords became essential for protecting user files and have since influenced online security practices.

As technology advances, so do authentication methods like fingerprint, facial, and multi-factor recognition, which combine biometric data with passwords for added security. Passwords have also made appearances in popular culture, such as in the movie “War Games,” where a hacker uses the password “Joshua” to access a government program. This illustrates the importance of choosing secure passwords for online security.


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