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Efficient process to create diamonds in 150 minutes


Apr 25, 2024

A team of scientists in Korea has developed a new method to produce artificial diamonds using liquid metal at a temperature of around 1,000 degrees Celsius and low pressure. While natural diamonds take billions of years to form under extreme pressure and heat deep underground, synthetic diamonds can be created much faster, although they typically require intense pressure for several weeks. The new method developed by the Korean scientists can create diamonds in just 150 minutes at a temperature of 1,025 degrees Celsius without the need for enormous pressure.

The research conducted by the scientists at the Korean Institute of Basic Sciences, published in the journal Nature, suggests that this new method could revolutionize the field of synthetic diamond production. By dissolving carbon into liquid metal, scientists have been able to produce diamond crystals. While this method is not entirely new, the Korean scientists have reduced the required pressure level by carefully mixing liquid metals gallium, iron, nickel, and silicon.

The process involves a specialized vacuum system built inside a graphite shell to rapidly heat and cool the metal while it is exposed to a mixture of methane and hydrogen. This causes carbon atoms from the methane to penetrate the molten metal, acting as diamond “seeds.” After 15 minutes, small pieces of diamond crystals begin to form, and after 150 minutes, a continuous diamond film is created.

The team of scientists believes that with further adjustments, this new method has the potential to be even more effective. While the research is still in its early stages, the scientists are optimistic about the future applications of this technology, which could potentially be combined with other liquid metals to achieve even better results.


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