• Tue. May 14th, 2024

For the first time, Rewe Austria introduces plastic bottles for wine sales


May 9, 2024

After two years of work, Rewe Austria has introduced wine in plastic bottles. The PET bottles are described as light, aesthetically pleasing, easy to handle, and unbreakable by Herbert Toifl, managing director of the Wegenstein winery. This wine is part of an own brand of the Rewe Group supplied by 600 predominantly Austrian winemakers.

The initiative to use PET bottles for wine was driven by the energy crisis, according to Christoph Fingerlos, quality manager at the Wegenstein winery. The goal was to reduce CO2 emissions, transportation costs, and promote recyclability. The production of PET bottles is also more cost-effective than glass. Initially, the wine available in PET bottles is “Heuriger 2023” priced at 2.99 euros per bottle, available at various grocery stores.

The shelf life of the wine in the PET bottle is a maximum of two years, according to Toifl. Customer feedback will determine whether more Wegenstein wines are introduced in PET bottles. The potential for lower prices due to cheaper production costs with PET is possible with higher volumes. The younger generation finds PET packaging more convenient for transport, similar to closures.

While there are inquiries from other winemakers, the exclusivity of the innovation with Wegenstein is expected until autumn. The project has received interest from German winemakers and reflects similar initiatives in other countries like France using PET bottles for red wine. The decision to expand the use of PET bottles will depend on customer response and further developments in the market.


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