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Indicators of metastatic thyroid cancer


Apr 23, 2024

Thuy Linh, a 35-year-old from An Giang, had been dealing with thyroid cancer for a year without undergoing surgery, instead relying on traditional medicine. However, she recently began experiencing a sore throat and a sensation of being stuck in her neck when swallowing. She is concerned if these symptoms could be a sign of metastatic disease.

The thyroid gland plays a crucial role in hormone production that supports metabolism, blood pressure regulation, and other bodily functions. If left untreated or treated improperly, thyroid cancer cells can spread beyond the gland to invade surrounding muscles, esophagus, trachea, larynx, blood vessels in the neck, and can metastasize to lymph nodes and distant areas like bones, brain, liver, and lungs. Metastatic thyroid cancer can lead to decreased treatment effectiveness, especially in cases of brain metastases.

Metastatic thyroid cancer presents with a variety of symptoms depending on the location of spread. Bone metastases may result in brittle bones, spinal cord compression, bone pain, and bone loss, while lung metastases can cause dry cough, breathing difficulties, and coughing up blood. Liver metastases may manifest as abdominal pain, weight loss, irritability, and fatigue. Some patients with thyroid cancer may not exhibit any signs of metastasis, underscoring the importance of consulting a doctor to determine the size and extent of the tumor for developing an appropriate treatment plan.

Early-stage thyroid cancer, particularly small-sized tumors, offers a promising 5-year survival rate exceeding 90%, indicating potential for cure. Diagnostic tests like ultrasound, PET scan, MRI scan, and chest X-ray may be recommended to evaluate the extent of cancer spread. Treatment for metastatic thyroid cancer hinges on the spread of malignant tumors, ranging from surgery to remove affected lobes or lymph nodes to supportive treatments like radioactive iodine and interventions like chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and immunotherapy for distant metastasis cases. Consulting a healthcare provider for a comprehensive evaluation and tailored treatment approach is essential for managing metastatic thyroid cancer effectively.


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