• Mon. Jun 3rd, 2024

King Felipe and Queen Letizia celebrate 20 years of marriage, marking a new era for the Spanish monarchy


May 22, 2024

Felipe VI and Letizia of Spain celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary this Wednesday, presenting an image that is a far cry from the scandals of the Juan Carlos era. They have worked to modernize the Spanish monarchy and distance themselves from past controversies.

On May 22, 2004, Felipe de Borbón, then 36, and Letizia Ortiz, a 31-year-old former television news anchor, tied the knot in Madrid’s Almudena Cathedral. This union marked a significant moment in Spanish history, as it was the first time an heir to the Crown married a commoner who was not from royalty.

Felipe and Letizia faced scrutiny and resistance from the royal family for their marriage. However, they have shown a commitment to renewing the institution of the monarchy by implementing transparency measures and distancing themselves from previous scandals.

Since taking the throne in 2014, Felipe has worked to modernize the protocol of the royal family. Letizia has brought a fresh perspective and a sense of closeness to the citizens, which has helped improve the image of the monarchy.

The couple, along with their two daughters, have presented a united and modern family image, in contrast to the controversies of the past. The future of the institution now rests on the shoulders of their eldest daughter, Princess Leonor, who recently came of age and took an important step towards succession.

While the Royal House did not hold any official events for the couple’s anniversary, they released photos of the family enjoying time together. Felipe and Letizia’s commitment to modernizing the monarchy and presenting a united front as a family has helped restore faith in the institution.


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