• Thu. Apr 25th, 2024

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Modi’s Promise for Green Energy in India Falls Short of Expectations with Continued Reliance on Coal


Apr 16, 2024

Located on a stretch of salt flats in southern India, the Tuticorin power plant presents a challenge for the country’s rapidly growing economy. India, with a population of 1.4 billion people, is struggling to provide reliable energy to its citizens. The 1,050-megawatt coal plant, one of the largest in the region, was originally supposed to shut down. However, after being opened four decades ago, the facility is too small to make the necessary upgrades to meet government pollution regulations. Despite government plans to close the plant by 2022, it is still operating at full capacity, running at 90% utilization in February.

The aging boilers at the Tuticorin power plant consume coal from mines located nearly 2,000 kilometers away. This long transport distance contributes to the nation’s overall emissions footprint. India’s power ministry is faced with the challenge of balancing the need for energy with the need to reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. As the country continues to grow economically, finding sustainable and efficient energy solutions will be crucial in ensuring a clean and healthy environment for future generations.


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