• Sun. Jun 16th, 2024

New Stop Sign Technology in Oakland Foils Copper Thieves


May 21, 2024

City officials in Oakland, California recently made the decision to replace a malfunctioning traffic light with stop signs at an intersection. This move was not part of a traffic-calming initiative, but rather due to the city’s inability to keep the traffic light operational. Local business owners have reported that copper has been repeatedly stolen from the signal’s electrical boxes, causing the light to go dark on multiple occasions.

As a result of the ongoing theft and maintenance issues, municipal workers ultimately removed the physical light and installed stop signs at the East 12th Street and 16th Avenue intersection. This change has led to increased caution from drivers navigating the area, according to auto shop owners in the vicinity.

Bruce Vuoing, owner of Quality Tech Automotive, explained that the stoplight rarely worked due to the consistent theft of copper wiring. Despite attempts to repair the light, it would often go out again shortly after being fixed. Another business owner, Tam Le of Le’s Auto Body & Engine Repair, expressed frustration with the city’s response, suggesting that addressing the homeless encampment near the intersection could help address the underlying issues.

The concerns raised by these business owners highlight broader challenges facing Oakland, including a significant budget deficit that may lead to cuts in essential government services. Without a safe and functional infrastructure, businesses may struggle to operate effectively, impacting tax revenue and potentially exacerbating the city’s financial woes. As Oakland faces mounting economic pressure, addressing issues like theft and homelessness becomes crucial to prevent further deterioration of municipal services and finances.


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