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New technology tested by robotic helpers on the space station


Apr 26, 2024

The idea of robots assisting astronauts in space, once only seen in science fiction movies, has now become a reality on the International Space Station (ISS). NASA’s trio of free-flying robots known as Astrobees are on the ISS conducting important research and aiding astronauts in various tasks. Sponsored investigations by the ISS National Laboratory showcase the capabilities of the Astrobees and their potential impact on future space missions and technology here on Earth.

One such investigation involved engineering firm Bosch and aerospace company Astrobotic partnering to test smart microphone technology with the Astrobees. This technology can detect anomalies in spacecraft and equipment by analyzing sounds. Additionally, researchers from MIT and the German Space Agency used the robots to experiment with algorithms and technology that could assist in recovering tumbling satellites in space.

The Astrobees are also playing a role in educating the future space industry workforce through MIT’s Zero Robotics competition. Students in grades 6-12 write code to control the robots in challenges on the space station. This program aims to inspire students to pursue careers in science and engineering fields by teaching them valuable coding skills and allowing them to interact with astronauts on the station.

The latest issue of Upward, the official magazine of the ISS National Lab, details these projects involving the Astrobees and highlights the importance of space-based research and technology development. The full Upward Volume 7, Issue 1 is available for download, providing further insight into the work being done with the Astrobees on the ISS.


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