• Mon. May 20th, 2024

Normative and Crown World Mobility Collaborate to Present Sustainability in Global Mobility


May 9, 2024

The event itinerary includes five sessions focusing on sustainability, carbon accounting, HR’s role in addressing climate issues, starting a net-zero journey, sustainable assignments, and trends in assignment patterns, as well as an update on Swedish immigration.

The first session will highlight Crown’s strategic priority on sustainability and their partnership with Normative to measure carbon emissions and reduce their carbon footprint on the journey to net-zero.

The second session will explore the role of HR in addressing employee demand for stronger corporate action on climate issues and the potential impact of ethical misalignments on employee retention.

The third session will showcase how Normative’s carbon platform can help businesses see emissions, plan reductions, and achieve net zero, with insights from Crown and other Normative customers on successful sustainability journeys.

In the fourth session, the focus will shift to sustainable assignments and trends in assignment patterns, discussing implications of assignment apathy, digital nomadism, and the return to office trend on international recruitment.

The final session will provide an update on Swedish immigration trends and learnings, rounding out the event with a comprehensive look at sustainability and HR in a global context.


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