• Sat. Jun 8th, 2024

Pope Francis Urges World to Embrace Peace Amidst Global Conflict


May 22, 2024

During a General Audience in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis called for prayers for peace in the world that is currently at war. He emphasized that we are no longer fighting a piecemeal war but a real world war that is causing suffering in many countries. He mentioned places like Ukraine, the Middle East, and Myanmar that are particularly affected by conflict and encouraged everyone not to forget them in their prayers.

The Pope’s plea for peace extended to regions like Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, and Myanmar, where people are enduring the consequences of ongoing conflicts. He acknowledged the atrocities happening in these countries, such as the rain of Russian drones in Ukraine and the death toll from bombings in the Middle East. He urged people to remember these places in their prayers and to pray for an end to the suffering of those caught in war.

Calling on everyone to pray for peace during this time of world war, Pope Francis emphasized the importance of building peace with one’s own contribution. He specifically mentioned the role that children can play in promoting peace and encouraged those celebrating their First Communion to be aware of the needs of others who are suffering. He also invoked Mary’s guidance in teaching us about humble service as a source of peace in the world and the Church.

In his message, Pope Francis invited people of all ages and backgrounds to join in prayer for peace in the world and to remember those who are most affected by conflict. He emphasized the power of collective prayer in bringing about peace and encouraged everyone to contribute to building a world free from the ravages of war.


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