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Potential conservative revolution anticipated with Trump’s victory


Apr 18, 2024

In a “PRO Global” series, the NZZ aims to explore the potential consequences of a second term for Donald Trump as President of the United States. This week’s focus is on what lessons can be learned from Trump’s first term in office. Critics from both sides of the political spectrum, including conservative voices, are expressing concerns about a possible second term for Trump. There are warnings of a potential dictatorship under his leadership.

Trump’s former Defense Secretary, Mark Esper, has raised alarms about the possibility of a collapse of NATO and troop withdrawals from South Korea or Japan if Trump were to return to the White House. This could have far-reaching implications for the existing world order. Despite these warnings, polls suggest that economic and immigration concerns are top priorities for American voters, and many trust Trump over Biden to address these issues.

While Trump’s first term may not have been perceived as negative by many Americans, there are concerns about what a second term could entail. Liz Cheney, a former Republican congresswoman, has emphasized the importance of upholding democratic and constitutional values in the face of potential threats from Trump.

Biden’s policies have elicited mixed reactions, with some similarities to Trump’s economic and trade policies, particularly towards China. However, Biden’s approach to immigration has sparked a record wave of migration at the southern border. The contrast in values and priorities between Trump and Biden underscores the potential impact of a second term for Trump on global alliances and democratic principles.

Trump’s growing influence within the Republican Party, despite the controversies surrounding his first term, raises concerns about the consolidation of power and the possible erosion of democratic norms. The prospect of Trump facing criminal charges also adds a personal dimension to his bid for reelection in 2024.

The potential consequences of a second term for Trump extend beyond domestic policies to international relations, as evidenced by the implications for Ukraine aid and the NATO alliance. The uncertainty surrounding Trump’s second term raises questions about the accountability and checks on presidential power in the face of potential abuses.

As preparations for the 2024 election begin, the implications of a second term for Trump are scrutinized through the lens of democratic values, global alliances, and the rule of law. The prospect of a second term brings to the forefront the need for vigilance and preparedness in safeguarding democratic principles and international stability against potential threats.


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