• Sun. Jun 9th, 2024

September Health Tips


May 22, 2024

Parents and guardians, it is important to schedule your child for their required health examinations and immunizations for the upcoming school year. New York State mandates that all students in public, private, and parochial schools have regular physical health exams. These exams are necessary for students entering certain grades in September 2024, including Prekindergarten or kindergarten, first, third, fifth, ninth, and eleventh grades. If your child falls into one of these categories, please make an appointment with their health care provider or contact the school nurse for assistance in finding one.

Additionally, students involved in sports must have a health exam annually. Certain circumstances, such as obtaining working papers or recommendations from special education committees, may also require a health exam. Students are also required to have specific immunizations before attending school, as set forth by New York State guidelines. To schedule these immunizations, contact your child’s health care provider or arrange for vaccinations through the Albany County Health Department or Whitney Young Health.

If you need a medical exemption for your child, the health provider must complete the necessary form each year and submit it to the school nurse. For students who require medications during the school day, a written order from a health provider and parental permission are necessary. Medication must be brought to school by an adult in its original packaging, along with any required supplies or equipment. For more details on medication administration at school, reach out to your child’s school nurse.

Take proactive steps now to ensure your child is up-to-date on their health requirements for the upcoming school year.


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