• Sat. Jun 8th, 2024

Space for CelSian glass technology course is limited


May 22, 2024

CelSian’s General Glass Technology course is scheduled to take place in Toledo, Ohio, USA from June 10 to 14. With only a limited number of seats available, enrollment will be done on a first come, first serve basis. The course will be led by industry experts Scott Cooper and Neil Simpson, who will provide a perfect blend of theoretical knowledge and hands-on practice for the participants. By the end of the training, attendees will have a comprehensive understanding of glass manufacturing technologies, enabling them to address current challenges and explore future optimization opportunities.

This training program is suitable for individuals at all levels of expertise, whether they are new to the industry or seasoned professionals looking to expand their knowledge of the production process. In addition to the classroom sessions, the course will also include a visit to Libbey’s production factory, providing a practical insight into real-world operations.

If you are interested in joining the General Glass Technology course, be sure to secure your spot by registering soon. Don’t miss out on this valuable opportunity to enhance your skills and knowledge in the field of glass manufacturing. Click here to register and reserve your seat today.


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