• Thu. May 16th, 2024

Businesses Must Leverage AI in Workforce Development to Drive Career Growth for Employees.


May 8, 2024

The job market is currently experiencing a period of transformation, driven by technological advancements and the integration of artificial intelligence (AI). This has led to a significant skills gap in various industries, prompting a reevaluation of the traditional path from education to employment. Businesses are increasingly turning to AI tools, such as machine learning, to streamline operations and improve workforce development strategies.

In an effort to align AI with their strategic goals and support employee career growth, many companies are exploring new approaches to learning and development (L&D). This week on DisruptED, host Ron J Stefanski is joined by Kayvon Touran, CEO and Co-founder of Zal.ai, to discuss the role of AI in workforce development and how organizations are navigating L&D challenges.

During the episode, Touran and Stefanski explore the ways in which AI can enhance skills development by providing better measurement and verification methods. They also address the challenges that businesses face in aligning company goals with individual career aspirations, and discuss potential solutions to bridge this gap. Furthermore, they touch on the future of AI in L&D, envisioning how platforms like Zal.ai can revolutionize traditional learning models to better suit the needs of employees.

Kayvon Touran, an experienced entrepreneur in the field of educational technology, co-founded Zal.ai with Stephen M. Kosslyn and Joseph Rousseau. Touran’s previous work at Noodle demonstrated his ability to merge technology with user-centric solutions, skills that he brings to his latest venture. Zal.ai aims to utilize AI to create a more transparent and engaging method for employees to track and advance their career skills, ultimately transforming the way companies approach workforce development.


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