• Tue. Jun 4th, 2024

Lowell Commission Approves Technology Company’s Expansion Proposal


May 22, 2024

A local technology company in Lowell is expanding its facilities after outgrowing its current space. The Lowell Planning Commission recently approved a large-scale development plan for a nearly 100,000 square foot expansion at the Wachter technology firm. This expansion will provide more space for the company to grow and meet the needs of its employees and customers.

Located at 1419 W., the technology company’s expansion is a significant investment in the local community. This expansion will create new jobs and opportunities for residents in Lowell. The company’s growth is a testament to its success and commitment to serving its customers.

The Lowell Planning Commission’s unanimous approval of the expansion reflects the positive impact it will have on the community. The increased square footage will allow the technology firm to continue innovating and developing new products and services. This expansion is a sign of the company’s ongoing success and dedication to Lowell.

Overall, the expansion of the technology company in Lowell is a positive development for the community. It will create jobs, provide new opportunities, and support economic growth in the area. The company’s commitment to expanding its facilities shows its confidence in the local workforce and the community as a whole.


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