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All about the upcoming arrival of the Wegobi weight loss shot in Israel


Mar 28, 2024

Weight loss injections developed by Novo Nordisk, originally intended for diabetics, have been found to also lead to appetite suppression and significant weight loss. The injections mimic a hormone called GLP1, which lowers blood sugar levels and works through various mechanisms in the body to promote weight loss.

The first injection, Saxenda, led to an 8% loss of body weight, followed by Ozempic and Vigobi, which were found to be even more effective for weight loss. The injections work by increasing the secretion of insulin, decreasing the secretion of glucagon, slowing down stomach emptying, and suppressing appetite by affecting the hunger center in the brain.

The Vigobi injection, with a dosage of 2.4 milligrams, is taken gradually to reduce side effects. The injections will be available in pharmacies, prescribed by private doctors. The cost ranges from NIS 600 to NIS 1,250 depending on the dosage.

Treatment with weight loss injections can be continued as long as necessary and may be stopped at any time. Common side effects include bloating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and changes in food preferences. The injections are considered safe for most patients and have been shown to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

While the injections can help with weight loss, a healthy lifestyle including proper nutrition and exercise is essential for long-term success. The injections work quickly to suppress appetite and should be complemented by lifestyle changes for optimal results.

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