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Is frequent bathing an effective way to cool down on hot days?


Apr 20, 2024

Developing a habit of taking a shower as soon as getting home or when it’s hot or sweating a lot is a common practice for many people, including Hung, a 27-year-old from Dong Nai. Bathing not only cleanses the skin but also helps to keep pores clear by releasing sebum and sweat on the skin’s surface. It can also assist in regulating body temperature. However, excessive bathing can have negative effects on the skin’s surface microflora, leading to a loss of beneficial bacteria when using chemical-heavy or antibacterial soaps.

In some individuals, these chemicals can cause changes in the skin’s moisture levels, leading to irritation, dryness, stretch marks, cracks, and other skin issues. This can compromise the skin’s physical barrier and pave the way for potential infections, especially in elderly people, individuals with weakened immune systems, existing skin conditions, or skin damage from conditions like Cushing’s syndrome.

While it may seem intuitive to shower immediately upon returning home after being out in the sun or sweating heavily, doing so can result in a sudden change in temperature. This puts strain on the body’s thermoregulation center, requiring continuous work to adjust to the temperature shift. It’s recommended to allow the sweat to dry for about 30 minutes before showering. Additionally, bathing multiple times a day should be avoided to prevent constant changes in body temperature, which may not be beneficial for overall health.

Research from the University of Wisconsin – Madison suggests that people exposed to temperature changes are more susceptible to respiratory illnesses, such as sneezing, coughing, and sore throats. This is especially concerning for older individuals, children, or those with compromised thermoregulatory systems. Sudden temperature changes can also be dangerous for individuals with asthma or allergies, potentially worsening symptoms or triggering new exacerbations of these conditions.


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