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Why is it still important to get a flu shot in the summer?


Apr 27, 2024

In countries like the US, flu shots are recommended in October because the flu peak usually occurs during that time. By getting vaccinated before the peak of the epidemic, people can build immunity against the disease. However, in tropical monsoon countries like Vietnam, influenza can occur year-round, with sharp increases in cases in March-April and September-October. Due to the hot weather and increased travel and relaxation activities in the summer, the flu can spread more easily and widely.

While most people recover from the flu within a week, certain groups such as children, pregnant women, the elderly, and individuals with underlying health conditions are at higher risk of serious complications like pneumonia, bronchitis, and stroke if they are not treated promptly. Pregnant women are also at risk of birth defects and other complications if they contract the flu. Therefore, getting flu shots is still recommended in hot weather to prevent illness and protect vulnerable populations.

Studies have shown that flu vaccination can significantly reduce the death rate and hospitalizations due to the flu or related complications. Vaccination also helps prevent the spread of new flu strains and maintains antibody levels against previous year’s vaccines. In Vietnam, there are several types of influenza vaccines available, including quadrivalent and trivalent vaccines that protect against different strains of the virus. Pregnant women are advised to get vaccinated in the second or third trimester to protect themselves and their newborns.

It is important to be cautious when symptoms of the flu appear, avoiding crowded places, wearing a mask, and limiting contact with high-risk individuals. Adequate rest, a nutritious diet, and seeking medical attention if necessary can help the body recover quickly from illness. By following these guidelines and getting vaccinated, individuals can protect themselves and their families from the flu, even in hot weather.


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